Saturday, December 29, 2007

USSF Best Practices

New Coaching Guide Available From U.S. Soccer; Best Practices For Coaching Soccer in the United States

70-page Book Serves as Player Development Guidelines for Soccer Coaches;
Available Now as Free PDF Download at

Best Practices (.pdf) - A high-speed connection is recommended to download the 70-page document


"....Ball Control and Creativity:
6 - 12 years old
U-6 through U-12 Age Groups
U-6: K and 1st graders

Soccer at these ages should be discouraged in any form other than as a fun activity for kids, that happens to includes a soccer ball. There should be groups of players rather than teams. Fees should be nominal. Attendance should be optional. Creating a joyful environment is mandatory.

Five- and six-year olds are too young to be involved in any structured, organized soccer program. At most, they should be involved in fun activities that encourage the children to explore their physical abilities, while also including a ball with which to play. Make sure these are activity based games that emphasize exploration and experimentation with the rolling, spinning, and bouncing qualities of the ball. The soccer ball should be considered a toy. There should be no activities where players wait in lines to perform a pre-determined movement or required action...."

Monday, December 10, 2007

DIS Tigers Futsal

Jong Tigers

Darwin's Goal

Sub 10

Monday, December 03, 2007

Another weekend of indoor matches

Mat III Classico


U11 Tigerettes

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Cancellation of Soccer practice next week

Due to teacher 1st Trimester conferences, all Soccer practice sessions will be cancelled next week.

Please inform your respective parent groups

Thank you,
