Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Why Play Indoor?

Indoor soccer develops three fitness systems: (a) the ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate) System for short bursts of speed and power: (b) fire lactic acid system for intermediate power, and (c) the aerobic system for endurance. Indoor soccer utilizes all three systems to a high degree, thereby providing a well-rounded program of fitness development.

Coordination, Balance & Agility
The various situational and positional challenges in indoor soccer encompass eye to foot, thigh, chest, head and hand coordination (for goalkeepers). There is no other sport with this range of coordination components. In addition, split second adjustments in body position put great pressure and emphasis on the development of excellent balance and agility.

No sport uses as many of the body's parts in direct contact with the ball as indoor soccer. Furthermore, these areas can be used in many different ways with air endless permutation of effects.

No physical elitism
The physical requirements of an indoor soccer game allows individuals of all shapes, sizes and genetic characteristics to develop excellence and become a valuable team member at elite levels of competition. You do not have to be 280 lb. or 6'8" tall to achieve professional soccer status. This is because leg and foot coordination is the major factor, therefore, even the smaller player can participate on an equal basis with bigger stronger individuals.

Constant action
By nature indoor soccer is a game of constant action with very few breaks in play. This keeps both the player and spectator totally entertained, captive and absorbed for a long period of time.

Indoor soccer involves mild physical contact. Excessive contact is penalized within the rules and slide tackling is not allowed in many facilities including ours. Therefore, contact injuries are minimized and tend to be less severe. The low incidence of injury provides the ideal forum for lifetime participation and allows the more mature or less fit individual to participate for a greater length of time. Furthermore, research has shown that the indoor game is safer than outdoor.

Climate controlled comfort & smooth surface
In a climate ranging from 100 degree summer days to -20 degree winter nights, through weather such as wind, rain, sleet, snow, and field surfaces that are icy, muddy, rock hard, snow covered or bumpy. It is easy to see why a climate controlled indoor @ facility with a nice, smooth carpet is becoming more attractive to play on plus there are no rain outs.

The ball stays in play
The ball is contained by the dasher boards and netting so no time is wasted on chasing the wild pass, shot or clearance. Therefore, players enjoy more ball and breaks in the action are few.

Options for other family members
Most indoor facilities contain sporting options for family members of the players. This means that the whole family does not have to sacrifice their fun if one of its number has a soccer game or practice.

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